Tips and Tricks | Wedding Attire

Ok ladies (and gents, of course!), if you’re anything like me then one of the hardest parts of the day is figuring out what the heck to wear! Let’s face it. Some days the struggle is real! And that’s just on a normal day…

This is even more true when you have to find something appropriate for a wedding!

Why? Because, wedding attire has a language all its own!

Whether you’re a guest trying to decode your wedding invite or a couple trying to find the right words to describe your dress code to your friends and fam, all the wedding lingo can be down right confusing.

Fear not, my friends!!

I am here to give you the quick and easy breakdown of wedding attire code!

Now you have the basics for decoding the language of wedding attire!

Guests just remember that usually the dress code is listed somewhere near the bottom of your invitation. If your a bride and groom mentioning your wedding attire on your invites is encouraged to put your guests at ease and create the atmosphere at your wedding that you dream of!

If you have any trouble selecting a dress code that is where your handy-dandy wedding planner can come in and give you suggestions and advice!

Have a purrr-fect day!

– Maddie – 


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